So it's been a while... The last few terms of my program where very time intensive for me and I poured all of my time into my school assignments. A lot has happened since posting last. I graduated from the AnimationMentor character animation program in June 2018, I attended CTNX and I am currently looking for work as an animator. I'm hoping to get into a normal schedule of blogging again and pick up where I left off. Explore some of the animation principles more in depth and see where to go from there. Well just wanted to make a quick post saying that I'm still here and that I'll start blogging again shortly.
Being an Animator was a dream of mine that seemed impossible, but like the door to Wonderland says, "nothing's impossible." The most powerful gift on my journey has been the encouragement of family, friends, and mentors. I hope that by sharing my experiences and thoughts I might be an encouraging voice to future artists who are feeling that their dream is an impossibility.